How can I contact you?
Each department location in this site has information with phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Our primary phone number is 419-352-7566. Go to Contact Us for more information. We are located at 1928 E. Gypsy Lane Rd., Bowling Green, Ohio. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 679, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402.
Do you have offices in any other location?
No. Our only office is in Bowling Green. However, the application process can be conducted online, and interviews can be conducted over the telephone. Verifications can be mailed or faxed.
A map to our office is available here and directions are available on the Contact Us page.
Do you have public transportation available to get to the office?
Not at the present time.
How long will it take for you to approve or deny my application for benefits?
The agency has 30 days from the date of your application or recertification to authorize or deny benefits.
How many days do I have to report changes on my case?
You have ten (10) days to report changes on your case. You will be asked to verify these changes also.
How can I apply for help?
If you are interested in cash assistance, Food assistance or Medicaid, you can click on Public Assistance to find information about applying for assistance.
Can you help me find a job?
Yes. Please view our OhioMeansJobs page, to find out more about our Employment Resource Center.
Why is there so much paper work for me to complete and documents I have to provide?
We are an agency that has Federal and State guidelines. Because of this, we must collect all of the information specified by those guidelines. We know this is difficult, but we must obtain all required documentation.
Do you have job openings at your office?
All current job openings are posted on the Wood County website at http://www.co.wood.oh.us/commissioners/employment/default.html
I have questions about child support, is this the office I contact?
No. The Would County Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) is the agency you should contact in Wood County. The CSEA phone is 419-354-9270 or 1-866-861-0657. You can find additional information on the CSEA website http://childsupport.co.wood.oh.us/.
What is “No Wrong Door?”
Wood County Department of Job and Family Services is a member agency of No Wrong Door. The agency can provide information about services and assistance available in Wood County to anyone in need, regardless of income. Referrals to community resources may be provided depending on the type of need and availability.