Job Seekers
Employment Services: OhioMeansJobs Wood County
Searching for employment can be a confusing and overwhelming time and OhioMeansJobs- Wood County would like you to know that we are here to help! We offer a variety of FREE services designed to help you re-enter the workforce.
- Work one-on-one to develop an eye catching and professional resume
- Professional resume bond paper/envelopes and access to free mailing and faxing services
- Local job postings in our resource room and on our website-
- High Speed Internet access to apply for jobs or Unemployment benefits, research employers, email your resumes, etc.
- Assessment tools to determine future employment options that match your skills and abilities
- Workshops focusing on different aspects of the job search process
- Area newspapers, telephone and industrial directories, and copy machine
- Telephones to conduct your job search or apply for Unemployment benefits
- Potential opportunities for in demand, short term training services through a local employer or training provider to help you return to work quickly
Get more information
These are just some of the ways we can help, please feel free to contact us at (419) 352-4172.