Job Seekers
Employment Services: OhioMeansJobs Wood County
Searching for employment can be a confusing and overwhelming time and OhioMeansJobs- Wood County would like you to know that we are here to help! We offer a variety of FREE services designed to help you re-enter the workforce.
- Work one-on-one to develop an eye catching and professional resume
- Professional resume bond paper/envelopes and access to free mailing and faxing services
- Local job postings in our resource room and on our website-
- High Speed Internet access to apply for jobs or Unemployment benefits, research employers, email your resumes, etc.
- Assessment tools to determine future employment options that match your skills and abilities
- Workshops focusing on different aspects of the job search process
- Area newspapers, telephone and industrial directories, and copy machine
- Telephones to conduct your job search or apply for Unemployment benefits
- Potential opportunities for in demand, short term training services through a local employer or training provider to help you return to work quickly
- Job Fairs: Held multiple times throughout the year.
Weekly Job Highlights:
Get more information
These are just some of the ways we can help, please feel free to contact us at (419) 352-4172 or via Facebook: /omjwoodcounty.