Child Care FAQs
For what purpose can I use subsidized child care?
I only work part time. Can I qualify for subsidized child care?
How much can I earn to be eligible?
Can I use subsidized child care to pay for preschool and/or private school education?
Can I use subsidized child care while I search for a job on my own?
Can I use subsidized child care while I earn a master degree or if I have over 144 college credit hours?
Will you refer me to a child care site?
Can I choose anyone to provide child care?
When can I start looking for a child care provider?
How do I choose a child care provider?
No matter which option you choose (center, Type A or Type B), you need to ask questions. Ask to be shown around the child care area and observe the interactions between the children and the care providers. You may go to the Ohio Child Care Resource & Referral guide at for more information and resources on selecting a provider.
If at any time you feel there is a concern with child safety in a licensed child care center, notify the Ohio Department of Job and Family Service Day Care Licensing staff at 1-877-302-2347. If your concern is with a Type A or Type B home, call our agency at 419-373-6972.
How long will it take to determine if I am eligible for subsidized child care?
It can take up to 30 days from the date of application to determine eligibility. You will receive a written notice through the mail.